

All of the following video, visual, and text evidence of genocide and ongoing Nakba contains disturbing details of violence.

Read the evidence.

The evidence for genocide and ongoing Nakba is overwhelming. This is a partial listing of the evidence that grows minute by minute.

UC leadership complicity includes, but is not limited to, the following crimes: 

Overall Charge 1: Investments. UC leadership has materially contributed to the crimes of Nakba and genocide of Palestinians through its financial ties to Israel and its unethical investment in the war industries, surveillance technologies, and other corporate instruments of violence.

Overall Charge 2: Academic Complicity. Through institutional cooperations and agreements with complicit Israeli universities, the UC materially contributes to and facilitates the ongoing Nakba and genocide in Palestine.

Overall Charge 3: Military Research. By facilitating research funded by the U.S. government and corporate war industries, UC leadership has played a central role in imperialist devastation, human suffering, and environmental ruin around the globe, including in historic Palestine.

Overall Charge 4: Donor Influence. UC leadership has accepted billions of dollars from Zionist institutional and individual donors, including some that have funded organizations that smear, harass, and threaten UC students, staff, and faculty who have spoken out against the genocide, thereby chilling academic freedom and free speech in the university and contributing to the epistemological erasure and social death of the Palestinian people. 

Overall Charge 5: Institutionalized Zionism. By upholding and defending Zionism, UC leaders have normalized the settler-colonial, apartheid, genocidal Israeli state, the root cause of Nakba and genocide. At the same time, they have perpetrated anti-Palestinian racism and weaponized false claims of antisemitism in order to stifle protest, criticism, and study of the genocide.

Overall Charge 6: Political Repression. UC leaders have waged a campaign of persecution, repression, and intimidation against students, workers, and community members in order to silence political dissent in the face of genocide and the ongoing Nakba while approving the purchase of military-grade weapons to further such oppression. 

Overall Charge 7: Complicity in Silence. UC leadership has remained silent in the face of scholasticide, ecocide, the murder of healthcare and humanitarian workers, and the destruction of the healthcare system in Gaza, unwilling to lend its considerable resources to protecting and rebuilding the Palestinian educational and healthcare infrastructure and supporting scholars, students, and healthcare workers impacted by genocide and ongoing Nakba.

We charge UCSF and its leadership, including Chancellor Hawgood, with direct and indirect complicity in the crimes of ongoing Nakba and genocide. UCSF administration complicity includes, but is not limited to, the following crimes: 

UCSF Charge 1: Violation of Sacred Healthcare Oath: UCSF leadership has violated our healthcare worker oath to serve humanity and its own UCSF Physician Declaration by failing to decry genocide, the murder and torture of healthcare workers, and the destruction of the healthcare and health professions educations systems in Palestine. 

UCSF Charge 2: Persecution and Repression: UCSF leaders have collaborated with Zionist politicians and institutions to attack the free speech and academic freedom of UCSF students, staff, and faculty who have sought to fulfill their oath, including through defamatory campaigns and the suspension and firing of those who have spoken up for freedom for Palestine. 

UCSF Charge 3: Withholding of Medical Assistance: The UCSF administration, which provides material and technical assistance to countries and regions with public health and healthcare crises, has withheld such aid to Palestinians who are suffering the impacts of climate catastrophe, mass starvation, the spread of infectious diseases, severe trauma, and other health calamities consequent to the genocide.

UCSF Charge 4: Investments: By investing in the Israeli state and complicit Israeli corporations, and procuring medications, equipment, and services from Israeli and other companies complicit in the violation of Palestinian rights, UCSF aids and abets the Israeli occupation and genocide. 

UCSF Charge 5: Academic Ties. UCSF sustains Israeli occupation and ongoing Nakba through its institutional collaborations with complicit Israeli universities while refusing parallel investment in Palestinian institutions. 

UCSF Charge 6: Institutional Zionism and Anti-Palestinian Racism: UCSF has consistently falsely equated criticism of Israel and/or Zionism with antisemitism, a practice that endangers Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, anti-Zionist Jews, and ultimately, all marginalized and oppressed communities while declining to investigate complaints of anti-Palestinian racism, doxxing, harassment, and death threats.

UCSF Charge 7: Donor Influence: UCSF administration has accepted $1.15 billion dollars from the Diller Family Foundation, an explicitly Zionist foundation that funds right-wing extremist hate groups, including Canary Mission-–which has doxxed UCSF faculty and students–-and programs designed to deepen collaborations with complicit Israeli institutions.